The Antique Integrated Area Development (ANIAD) program is a Philippine-Netherlands co-financed community-based rural development initiative in Antique province in the Philippines. Its over-all goal is to make a significant contribution to the improvement of the socio-economic condition of the people of Antique and the enhancement of their capacity for self-sustaining development. This over-all goal has been translated into four long-term strategic objectives that address the local poverty situation:

1. To contribute to the empowerment of people, with preference to disadvantaged target groups, so that they can effectively participate in development and socio-economic processes;

2. To help reduce absolute and relative poverty;

3. To help improve economic productivity; and

4. To help ensure the viability of bio-physical and human resource bases in a structural way.

Both Philippine and Netherlands parties have committed to at least ten (10) years of cooperation in the program.

The ANIAD program started in November 1988 with a pilot phase (more popularly called the interim phase) of one (1) year, later extended until December 1990. Phase 1 of the program proper was from January 1991 to December 1994. Delays at the Netherlands side moved the start of Phase 2 to May 1994 and the gap between phases was bridged by a budget-neutral extension of Phase 1 from January to April 1994.

This report covers the original Phase 2 time-frame of four (4 ) years, from May 1994 to April 1998, plus a budget-neutral extension of one (1) month, May 1998, and a bridging period between Phase 2 and Phase 3 of three (3) months, from June to August 1998. Implementation of two irrigation projects actually extended beyond August 1998 but they are included as well in this report.

This report is the ANIAD Foundation's own account of the major results and highlights of its implementation of the ANIAD Phase 2 program. A separate Phase 2 final report has also been prepared by the Netherlands supervising party, reflecting expatriate technical assistance insights on the ANIAD program.

This report has three (3) parts: this brief introduction, the main body which describes the results of program implementation vis-a-vis the objectives of the Phase 2 program as stated in the four-year plan of operations, and a section on finance accounting for Netherlands and Philippine contributions.


